Have you wondered – why should I pay to have the window tint install completed on my home. I can go buy film from the local home improvement store and just do it myself. Well here are some differences between very different types of installation. I think once you read this you will agree that a professional install by an authorized dealer/installer is best!
The Professional Window Tint Install:
Professional dealers & installers have knowledge directly from the window film companies to use when helping a customer select the best film for their windows.
The dealers/installers also have the ability to help you select the perfect film to get the results you need.
The professionally installed window film looks better longer & more likely to perform as desired for the expected time-frame or longer.
These installers have experience and/or training from the authorized dealers enabling them to identify any circumstances affecting the installation product. This knowledge also allows them to recommend the product best suited for your needs.
A warranty offered by professional dealers generally cover the cost of removal, replacement film, and re-installation. These warranties are typically backed by the film manufacturer.
You also have a support team that can answer questions or concerns that you might have after installation is complete.
The Do It Yourself Window Tint Install:
Do you know what window film company you are buying from?
Film bought from a home improvement store will generally only covers replacement film if there’s a problem and then only within a certain time-frame.
Relying on You Tube or included in the box instructions on how to install
Without proper training, you hope that you have installed it correctly
Do you know if the film voids the glass warranty?
It’s turning colors and just doesn’t look right anymore. Who can you ask about problems?
** Remember that the best film installed improperly will likely not live up to the customer’s expectations.**
** Also a film used in a situation where a professional dealer installer might not otherwise install that particular film **